EDUCATION TOWARDS high-quality training in our field of Energy Medicine to have the necessary skills required for the wide variety of clients you’ll see in your practice. I’ve dedicated more then 20 years practicing and studying many modalities and natural healing methods using tools from many modalities, including
- Gestalt therapy,
- Theta healing,
- Sekhem Healing Energy,
- Hypnotherapy,
- Kinesiology,
- NLP, (Neuro Linguistic Programming)
- Introduction in EFT (Emotional Freedom Technic)
- Ways to treat PTSD, anxiety and depression by integrating acupressure with western science to heal emotions.
- Trauma Release Process, Dr David Bercoli, discovered a self-directed body-based method of stress and trauma reduction,
- Extraordinary evidence on distance healing— revealing the heart’s energetic link to information that isn’t bound by the limits of time & space.
- and others just like a good mechanic having many tools in his toolbox to be able to fix even the most complicated problems.
That’s why I like to see energy healing practitioners developing a large and varied tool kit. That gives them the confidence to know that they can handle the challenges presented by a wide variety of clients. In order to generate change in your clients, energy healing skills are essential, but not always enough. You also need effective counselling skills. You need the ability to read your client’s willingness to change, to pinpoint resistance, mixed feelings and guide your client to an understanding of the roots of their problem and helping them to release them for good.
As an Energy Medicine practitioner you are connected energetically with your client and the achievement of success by creating a life long change in your clients it is a confident booster for both of you.
- We conduct personalised and group trainings to those who want to become an effective Energy Medicine practitioner and at the same time to learn to help others who want to further increase their effectiveness and confidence as practitioners.
Here is a small list of some key tools you can learn to become a great Energy Medicine or Vibrational Energy practitioner or Natural Health practitioner:
- Learn about mindfulness
- Mindful listening
- Learn about the Living Life Energy
- Basic kinesiology skills
- Expanding client support
- Helping people maintain health and wellbeing for themselves and their families.
- Establishing Trust and Rapport
Get mentored and coached
It is normal to have doubts about your abilities at the beginning unless a trained expert has provided experienced guidance.
- Having a qualified teacher working with you to refine and upgrade your skills is very important.
- In my experience an expert guidance could produce solid differences in achieving excellent results.
- You can learn things in a few hours with a good mentor that would take you 10 years to learn on your own!
- I know that once those who completed our certification requirements, they have the skills to deliver solid and reliable results.
- Clients can be confident that they’re working with someone good, and certification provides that confidence.
For this reasons I’d like you to discover more about Energy Medicine through the following courses:
– SEKHEM HEALING – The Original Helen Belὸt PURE SEKHEM Vibrational Energy System
– Further Sekhem Healing Courses
Sekhem Healing Master and Master Teacher Level
Higher Purpose of Sekhem Healing
Higher Octave of Sekhem Healing Level 1
Higher Octave of Sekhem Healing Level 2
Language of the Body